Saturday, May 31, 2014

Final Post Of Senior Year (FC)

Since this is my last official post for my senior year, I wanna say thank you. Thank you Ms. Hegeman for having us record moments of our senior year step by step with this whole blogging business. Although it was annoying having to constantly try and keep up, I feel kind of happy seeing how much I've grown in this school year alone and I have memories of it too. I also want to say that this senior year has been nothing but full of nonstop craziness and surprises. A LOT happened in these few short months and it has been nothing but one of the best times of my life. Even though it has had ups and downs, been hectic to keep up with, and will be the last times I really see most of my friends 5 times a week lol, high school is officially closing up its chapter. Who knew so much would happen in four years, but also be the last time we ever really be a TMA family together. Only two real weeks left until our chapter is over, but I have had one of the best high school experiences ever. I am thankful for that.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

P R O M !!!!!! (Free Choice)

Prom is right around the corner, June 12th from 8PM-12PM! I am super excited for prom this year since I am attending two proms: my boyfriend's and my own. Prom has been my dream since I was a little girl. I remember seeing my sisters go crazy on the day of prom makin sure hair, makeup, nails, and the dress were all set and done. In sixth grade I was supposed to perform a dance with my girl friends at prom. I ended up catching the flu due to all the stress and pressure of wanting to perfect the dance by prom night. The day before prom was when I caught the flu. I was sad and even more upset that I bought my dress and flats, but never got the chance to wear it that night. All my friends texted me how much fun they had, and I felt even more left out. Also, two days before I got sick my initial prom date in my class yelled at me in front of everyone and told me he wasn't going to be my prom date anymore simply because I rejected his proposal of asking me out earlier that year. I wasn't hurt and since I ended up not going anyhow, I promised myself to make sure I would attend my 12th grade prom no matter what. Although it won't be the way I had hoped for, I hope to still have a great time with my friends and I can't wait to finally wear dress and heels I paid money for and look awesome on prom night. Even though prom is only 4 hours, it's still a special night because it gives you an excuse to dress up all fancy as if it were sort of close to your wedding day (okay maybe not like your wedding but girls you catch my drift). Although my dress and heels are set and done with (FINALLY), next off is makeup, hair, and nails. Only 9 more days until my boyfriend's prom, and  two weeks exactly until mine, I can't wait!

Monday, April 28, 2014

Greetings from England, Ireland, and Wales !!! (FC) 4/30

OMG ! Where do I begin… MY TRIP WAS GREAT! I stayed in Ireland for 5 days which wasn't what I expected. The first 5 days were nonstop sightseeings, visiting historical monuments, and trying hard to grab some limited wifi from wherever I could. Ireland is very green, and extremely beautiful. The second night me and some of the girls went to go see Captain America 2, which was extremely AWESOME! The first couple of nights were boring simply due to the limited TV channels, and not much for us to do. Me and my friends decided to spend our nights altogether making jokes, talking, and laughing about the most random things while talking about Marvel vs. DC comics. It was nice bonding with everyone, and it sort of made me not want the trip to end while it was just starting. The food could have been much better but that is because the UK serves organic food, and I am used to the greasy, salty, and sugary foods that the US has provided me all my life, but I lost weight which wasn't the best since I am already a skinny gal. t visited Wales for one day which was pretty cool since its a nice vacation spot, its very chilled and calm. NOW LONDON WAS JUST MIND BLOWING! England itself was just everything I had expected it to be it was more than that, it was like NY but 1000x better. Shopping stores were huge about 2x the size of your average H&M and Urban Outfitters in NY + so much more. I loved seeing Big Ben and strolling the London bridge. My trip was everything I had expected it to be but a lot more than I expected. I made great friendships, reconnected with some, and overall just had such a wonderful experience. I missed my family like crazy and missed my warm bed back at home, but thank god I got to experience what most people haven't got the chance to at 17 years old, especially in my family. It was the experience of a lifetime and I hope to visit these places and so many others in the near future.

The Movie Claudine (ID) 4/2

For Ms. Epps African American film/literature class, we are currently watching the movie Claudine. It shows the life of a young African American woman living in Harlem off welfare and with her six kids. She was married twice but each man left her to care for her children alone, and she works for a white woman on the other side of town as a maid. Throughout the film, Claudine meets a garbage man who works near her and they soon fall in love. Their relationship is in a struggle simply because she loves him but cannot marry him. She wants to show him around, but whenever she does, the welfare woman that shows up at her door is convinced she finally has a man that can financially support her therefore she no longer needs welfare checks which is not the case. Claudine feels exhaustion due to not knowing where her kids are ever up to, she is a single struggling mother, and her boyfriend has struggles of his own due to paying child support to two of his kids that he never sees. He does not want to be dragged into a marriage where welfare people will always be on his case, and Claudine does not want to feel like she is bringing him into a marriage that will take away his free rights as a man with no obligations. This movie was made in the '70s and depicts how life was in the '70s for people who were on the welfare system. What I've learned thus far is that people like the woman who constantly harassed Claudine are still around today, but instead it is not only the welfare system, but child services as well. Nothing ever really changes, it just takes turns for the worst.

Preparation for My England, Ireland, Wales Trip (FC) 3/19

On April 16th, 2014, Me and 17 other students along with some teachers to travel England, Ireland, and Wales for 9 days. I am expecting to see so much on my trip. Since I was a child I have always wanted to see England. I don't know too much about Wales, but that is what I find so exciting about this trip since I am awaiting to see what new things I can find in Wales. I am also excited to see Ireland. From my prior knowledge I know that Ireland is a very religious country, people drink a lot, and they are known for their green grass and four leaf clovers. Most importantly, it is the country where Saint Patrick helped spread Catholicism to the irish people who lived there many many years ago. I can't wait to see Big Ben, The London Bridge, and so much more In England. I never thought I could ever make it to see London someday because I thought it was so expensive and that you'd have to be rich to make it to a place like that. I am just extremely happy to finally see my dreams come true!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

A perfect definition (Free Choice)

When Love Begins 
by Florence

I always knew that love would come find me someday
but never did I know that it would be you who was headed my way
you caught me off guard and took me by surprise
but you simply captivated me, the same way you do when I look into your eyes

It's true that every good and perfect gift is from above
you were presented to me as a beautifully packaged gift full of humor, talent, intelligence, beauty and love
"it isn't finding the perfect person but learning to see an imperfect person perfectly"
we all have our flaws but when I view you through my eyes, perfection is all I see

From when you laugh to when you're upset, I still love the little things you do
especially hearing you laugh and seeing your nose wrinkle the same way mine does too
coming into this relationship has been hard at times but we've made it through
I know as long as we're on this journey together, there's nothing that we can't do.

Sometimes I wonder if what we have is too good to be true
too scared to get my heart broken and scared of the thought of losing you
but in the end, I trust in the author and perfecter of what I believe
because what we ask for in Him, we in return shall receive

"Where your treasure is, your heart will be also" is how the saying goes
I may not know what tomorrow may bring, for God is the only one who knows
the one thing I do know is that you are my one and only
a treasure in my heart that I want to devote my whole life to completely

I know I don't need to prove my feelings to know they're true
because what I've known in my past, doesn't come close to the experience I've shared with you
I've had the experience of being in relationships before
however, this is the first time I've been truly happy... I couldn't ask for anything more
it's an honor to know that I am yours, as you are mine
and I trust God that He'll bring us together in His beautiful time

For now, I'll be waiting patiently for that day when we'll be together
that precious moment in time when I'll say, "it's you that I want to be with forever"
God made everything beautiful, precious and new
just as beautiful and precious as the day will be, when I look into your eyes and say, "I Love You"

Response: First I want to say that this poem perfectly explains everything that I feel, and that the woman who wrote this deserves some recognition because she detailed every thing you can possibly feel when you know you truly love someone. This week my free choice would be just a perfect definition of my feelings.


Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Much Ado About Nothing, Or Much To Say About Everything? (CRR)

Today my class and I went downtown to watch a $10 reenactment of William Shakespeare's play, Much Ado About Nothing. This play had its ups and some downs, but overall it seemed to catch my eye. At the start of the play, the actors are all sitting on white furniture discussing and speaking in Elizabethan language, which I have yet to understand completely. The actors show a more modern version of the play with the way their wardrobe was set, and many of the actors seemed to look as though they put a lot of thought into their character’s personas. I wouldn't say it was the best play Shakespeare has ever written, but it was okay for the most part. 

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Shakespeare (CRR)

In English we are beginning to read the Taming of the Shrew.  The Taming of the shrew is basically the story of a girl who can't get married yet until her older sister does. The difference between both sisters is that the oldest is a more modernized version of women in today's world bearing the characteristics of independent, strong, and outspoken. The younger sister is the obedient sister who does as told, and is the opposite as her sister. In their society, women who are like Katharina (older sister) are seen as reckless, and NEED to get married as a way of being tamed, BUT Katharina doesn't want to get married, which worries her father dearly. Bianca (younger sister) on the other hand has two men fighting over her, because they want her to get married, but under her father's orders (in hopes that his eldest daughter will find a suitable man) she can't get married before Katharina. Only problem is that NO MAN wants to marry Katharina because of her independent and outspoken mannerisms. Thus, her being the shrew "in need of taming". I don't think she necessarily needs taming, or that there is anything wrong with her. Maybe I say this because in a way I consider myself a lot like Katharina. At the end of the day it can be said that Katharina is not ready to hold a man down, but in reality no man is strong enough to reach Katharina's standards nor ready to handle and hold down a woman like her.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

I've Changed My Mind ... Do I really want to become an author? (PB)

I guess my title contradicts itself since this is supposed to be considered a passion blog, but in reality, I've lost my passion for writing or doing anything related to it. I had to complete this story I wrote about a year ago for this writing contest due this Friday 2/7/14. I tried bringing myself to write this story, until I realized I'd lost all desire and passion to continue unraveling this story line into something much more interesting for someone other than my own eyes to take interest in. In the midst of being halfway into my senior year, I am now beginning to question whether or not writing is really my "passion" and if its simply just a hobby of mine. I am reading books off this app called Wattpad. This app consists of so many different and amazing writers who write such crazy stories that you can't help not to glue your eyes to each word as every single one continues to reel you in, just as the author is expecting you to. I am not sure if I have the capability of doing that. I know I probably shouldn't compare myself to other people's ideals of what it means to truly write a good story, but I am not saddened by this revelation either. I think life simply might have other plans for me, and I am simply hiding behind this facade of mine because I am afraid to reach my full potential. I think I know what I want to accomplish now, and although it has been there this whole time in front of me, I am going to stop comparing myself to others and simply do what I have always been told to do, believe in myself.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Why Do We Like to Watch Rich People on TV and in the Movies? (EXTRA CREDIT BLOG)

There is a huge coincidence. Today I watched the Wolf of Wall Street, had A LOT to say about the film. First and foremost, the movie was really good, BUT it is just ridiculous how much money, greed, drugs, and sex can just change a person. To answer the question above, "Why Do We Like to Watch Rich People on TV and in the Movies?" is very simple to answer. The reason we do this is because for years America has made living "fancy" a sort of trend we---the people who wish could live like the rich---have seen as model figures we wish we could be like someday. Since the mid 1900s, when have you seen a film where women weren't poised gracefully with a maid or butler in the house, a husband who is the supplier of income, and lets not forget the children who never do anything wrong and are just heavenly angels. On top of all that, the "perfect" family lives in a big home. It is something Americans always looked to when they needed an escape from their own lives, so that they could find entertainment in the lives of fictional characters who are living ten times better than the viewer himself.

I agree with Farnoosh Torabi in the sense that she says, "...Soaps offered an entertaining escape to where budgeting constraints and bad hair days didn’t exist, where we could see how the “rich” lived, and experience — even if just for an hour a day — a part of their fictional lives that seemed vastly more exciting than our own." This not only refers to soap operas but for anything we watch on TV/Movies in general. I agree with Bruce Levine because he makes an effective point that today greed is seen as both normal and acceptable by the mass media and mainstream politicians. Greed is something that is common in people everywhere it is one of the seven deadly sins but it shines brighter when we obtain a deep desire. With desire sometimes comes greed. Just like in the Wolf Of Wall Street, which is based on a true story, when Jordan Belfort got a good amount of money coming into his hands, all he could think was obtaining more and how fast he could get it no matter what the cost. I think all people can become like that, but it doesn't mean everyone necessarily will.

On that note, we watch people with money on television and on movies become the reason we stay home on a 9'o clock PM time slot because we would rather sit and watch how other people are living the rich life because it is good entertainment from our own lives, just like everything else we watch on television non filthy-rich and greedy related.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Heart of Darkness (CRR)

In English class we have finished up the book the Heart of Darkness. In my opinion, I disliked reading the book, because it was very difficult for me as a reader to understand. That was my initial thought during the first few pages of reading the book. Once I finished the book, sort of, I began to understand the symbolism behind the book while also understanding the main character, Charles Marlow. This book isn't exactly the best book ever written, in my opinion at least, but this book did show how much the impact of your environment can truly consume your inner being and change you without you realizing how. Marlow was just an innocent being who had little to no experience of what it was like being surrounded by African natives in the Congo. Not only did he not know how to react towards them, he didn't know or understand the hatred they were getting by the Europeans who dehumanized and enslaved them. Marlow was an innocent soul who arrived to the congo at the wrong place at the wrong time. His ideal perception on life was completely turned over as the book continues to depict each timeline of his life there. Before I give away the entire book, this book was an utter disappointment but eventually found some place in me that made me understand why the characters were written the way they did, and why this book was written in the first place. This book is a version of how life is set up in the form of a semi-fictional tale. Greed and corruption basically sums up the story, but it is a perfect example of just how much people can easily change when these two things enter your system.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Hairs & Fibers (ID)

In my forensics class, we are currently studying the cuticle patterns, medullas, cortex, and hair origins of both human and animal hair samples. I never realized how interesting the human hair was. I was able to identify what my hair type was which i would have never known without this class. It was very interesting finding out how to identify the differences between hair types and specific classifications of hair. I'm not a huge fan of science but anatomical science is my favorite, and I feel like a little scientist in the making.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Endless Time By Rabindranath Tagore (FC)

Time is endless in thy hands, my lord.
There is none to count thy minutes.

Days and nights pass and ages bloom and fade like flowers.
Thou knowest how to wait.

Thy centuries follow each other perfecting a small wild flower.

We have no time to lose,
and having no time we must scramble for a chance.
We are too poor to be late.

And thus it is that time goes by
while I give it to every querulous man who claims it,
and thine altar is empty of all offerings to the last.

At the end of the day I hasten in fear lest thy gate be shut;
but I find that yet there is time.