Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Haitian-Dominicans stripped of their Citizenship. (PB)

This weeks post will be about something I am passionate about, which is helping causes in hopes of gaining independence.

I have just recently heard of everything going on in my country. Apparently, anyone born after 1929 (basically around my grandma's age) who was born and raised in the Dominican Republic has to leave all that they're known and used to because a new Dominican Court Ruling said so. It bothers me that I can't do anything about this, not because it will affect me personally, but because it is unfair. no matter where you go you are treated unfairly. It is racist and what gets to me is how not many people are really doing something about it except for some of the Dominicans already living here in America. I have a cousin who is half Dominican half Haitian. I don't know her personally, but I wonder how this would be affecting her. I wish I could do something to help out these people, it bothers me I don't know where to begin to help out. It isn't fair, none of this is fair at all.

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