Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Haitian-Dominicans stripped of their Citizenship. (PB)

This weeks post will be about something I am passionate about, which is helping causes in hopes of gaining independence.

I have just recently heard of everything going on in my country. Apparently, anyone born after 1929 (basically around my grandma's age) who was born and raised in the Dominican Republic has to leave all that they're known and used to because a new Dominican Court Ruling said so. It bothers me that I can't do anything about this, not because it will affect me personally, but because it is unfair. no matter where you go you are treated unfairly. It is racist and what gets to me is how not many people are really doing something about it except for some of the Dominicans already living here in America. I have a cousin who is half Dominican half Haitian. I don't know her personally, but I wonder how this would be affecting her. I wish I could do something to help out these people, it bothers me I don't know where to begin to help out. It isn't fair, none of this is fair at all.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Deaths of 2013 ...RIP❤️ (SSR)

In the amount of one week we lost two good souls. Nelson Mandela not only a man with a good heart, but a leader, a fighter, and man of honor fought against Apartheids Uprising during one of Africa's troubling eras of nonstop turmoil. Nelson was incarcerated for almost 30 years & after he was freed, he became the President of Africa and was was given nothing but respect & appraisal for all he's done for the lives of Africa. Nelson Mandela once said "I'm not a saint, but a sinner who never stops trying." On that note R.I.P. Nelson Mandela.

Another man who lost his life but a well respected actor at that was the Fast & Furious movie series very own Paul Walker. Paul Walker gained fame starring as one of the main cast of the famous Car movies. The Fast & Furious movies were one of my favorite movies and it's sad that he is now gone. Paul Walker was acting prior to making these films and during his spare time he devoted his time to helping others, which is someone who's selflessness is worthy of respect. So, RIP Paul Walker you will be missed as well. 

Another soul lost this year has been Glee's very own Cory Monteith. He was a good actor, funny to watch on my tv every Thursdays, and was one of my favorites as well. RIP Cory <3 

Aside from all the deaths that have occurred this far, I lost my great aunt. Also, a lot of people I know have lost about one or two people close to them. On the behalf of everyone, RIP to all the lives lost in 2013.